Creating a dedicated firewall using a Raspberry Pi and the open source firewall solution “IPFire“. Some time ago, as a personal interest project, I re-purposed a Raspberry Pi 3b and added it as a dedicated firewall solution for our home network. It was interesting to set up, it did not […]
Raspberry Pi : Centralised and extendible U.I. for I.O.T.
IOT ‘Control Ware Bloat’ and a simplified, extendible, and centralised interface. A few months back I upgraded our home network firewall capabilities with a Raspberry Pi that I had spare from an old project and was no longer using. The Pi had previously been connected to a 7inch touch screen […]
Making a game in JavaScript Part 7 : The Background
For the sake of learning, fun, simplicity, and getting something playable on the screen as soon as possible, we are .. going for a scrolling background, and randomised level platform patterns. We have the ninja running and idle animations, but now it is still sitting on a blank white canvas […]
Making a game in JavaScript Part 6 : Movement and actions
“Let’s make that ninja run!” The player character is not yet visible on the canvas, but we are going to change that very shortly.We want to set the player idle, and then also the additional player running animation. When we have the player sitting at idle, and able to run […]
Making a game in JavaScript Part 5 : Images and Animations
In this part, we cover the animation frame referred to as a ‘sprite’, the animation which is the collection of the sprites required to animate the required action, and the animationCollection, which is all the various actions that have been animated for this character. We want to load the images […]
Making a game in JavaScript Part 4 : The Playable Context and code structure
“These things are all about getting the timing right..” It was previously highlighted that we would want to include: game.initialise()game.update()game.render() These are the basic steps for any game development. We initialise the variables we need to start, when the game starts it runs in a loop, each iteration of the […]
Making a game in JavaScript Part 3 : Files and Folders
“The ‘something’ connected to the, ‘other thing’!” Before we continue, I would like to first acknowledge that I did not create these character image animations or level sprites used for this project. I have downloaded them previously as a free-to-use resource and have utilised them in educational and experimental projects, […]
Making a game in JavaScript Part 2 : The Game Loop
What differentiates a moment in a game from another? How do we animate the images to show enough animation frames per second and make this animation look smooth and appealing? And how do we ensure that the game is responsive to input from the player and that there is no […]
Making a game in JavaScript Part 1 : Introduction and JS Game Project Basics
Want to learn about game code? Or JavaScript? Or how a webpage loads JavaScript that can interact with the webpage? How about we put all three together, we can explore how JavaScript and a web page can interact with a fun example project to help us explore how this works […]
All Systems Ready : ‘LaunchPad’ is online!
Amazingly awesome website? Check. Product designs and purpose? Check. What more could we possibly need? Ok, a lot more. We need a lot more and its going to take time and effort – but it’s certainly a start! Would you like to see where we are going with this? I […]